VPI is an international training and consulting company that helps organizations develop comprehensive violence prevention programs.
We provide a systematic and proven approach that helps reduce the risk of workplace violence. Our program not only helps to prevent
legal and physical loss, it also serves to protect our clients’ most important resource, the lives of its employees.
James N. Madero, Ph.D. has over 25 years of experience as a clinical psychologist. He is an expert in psychological testing,
threat assessment and workplace violence prevention training.
Dr. Madero has conducted over 600 threat assessments of potentially violent employees for public and private sector companies
and organizations. Dr. Madero has developed workplace violence prevention training programs and materials, and has trained numerous
Workplace Violence Prevention Teams
in companies and organizations across the United States. Dr. Madero is a graduate
of the Clinical Psychology Program at Catholic University, Washington, D.C. and a member of the Clinical Psychology faculty at
Alliant International University, San Diego, CA.
Michael Angioli, Ph.D. is experienced in workplace violence prevention training, psychological
testing, fitness for duty evaluations, and crisis debriefing. Dr. Angioli is a past
President (1993) of the Orange County Psychological Association and past Chairman (1995)
of the Ethics Committee of the Orange County Psychological Association. Dr. Angioli is
certified as an Addictions Specialist from the American Academy of Health Care Providers
in the Addictive Disorders. He is a graduate of the Clinical Psychology Program at U.S.
International University, San Diego, CA.
Joseph Davis, Ph.D., LL.D. specializes in interpersonal violence, trauma and critical
incident stress management and debriefing, and criminal behavioral assessment. His over 20
years of experience, includes work as a public service psychologist, research psychologist,
university professor (clinical-social-personality psychology, medical journal editor, and
organizational consultant. Dr. Davis is widely published with several books, 20 book chapters
and over 60 papers as author or co-author. His latest book, "Stalking Crimes and Victim
Protection" is published through CRC Press and is considered the standard "go to book and
reference" on stalking crimes, victim assistance and threat assessment. A former Assistant
Clinical of Professor at UCSD School of Medicine, he is currently on the operations command staff
for the Region IX, Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Public Health Service, National Disaster
Medical System and FEMA. Dr. Davis holds adjunct faculty appointments at USC, CSU, UCSD, and
Alliant University/CSPP, he holds a B.S. with honors, M.S. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, a
honorary doctor of laws degree, and is a diplomat and fellow of the American Academy of Experts in
Traumatic Stress. He completed his clinical psychology training and education through the VA Medical
System and his forensic mental health education and training through Central State Forensic Hospital
(FCI-Petersburg) and the University of Virginia at the Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy
in Charlottesville.
Lawrence J. Howe, CPP is a nationally recognized authority in the field of industrial
security. Prior to joining VPI as a principal trainer, he was the Corporate Vice President for
Security for Science Applications International Corporation. SAIC is a Fortune 500 information
technology and research corporation with operations world-wide. He held this
position for more than twenty-two years. Prior to joining SAIC, he served in the Office of
Security of the Central Intelligence Agency for fifteen years. He is a past President and
Chairman of the Board of the American Society for Industrial Security. He also served as
a working group Chairman of the Executive Branch’s task force which revised national
industrial security policy and practice. He has given expert testimony to congressional
committees in the field of personnel security and human reliability factors.
Tarane Sondoozi, Psy.D. is experienced in workplace violence prevention training, threat
assessment, and trauma response counseling. She has developed workplace violence prevention
programs and materials, including an on-line workplace violence prevention training
for managers, supervisors, and employees. She is an expert in cultural diversity issues
and has over 18 years experience working with multicultural clients from countries around
the world. Dr. Sondoozi is a graduate of the Clinical Psychology Program at Alliant International
University, San Diego, CA.
Michael Wrobel, Psy.D. is experienced in psychological assessment, forensic evaluations,
fitness for duty evaluations, trauma response counseling, workplace violence prevention
training, and crisis debriefing. Dr. Wrobel is a member of the Disaster Preparedness
Committee of the San Diego Psychological Association. He has extensive training
regarding the psychological reactions to, and symptoms of critical incidents that can result
from traumatic events, accidents, and natural disasters. Dr. Wrobel has trained Workplace
Violence Prevention Teams and numerous managers, supervisors and employees. Dr. Wrobel
is a graduate of the Clinical Psychology Program at the Illinois School of Professional
Psychology, Chicago, IL.