
Knowledge is one of the most important components of a comprehensive and effective workplace violence prevention program. This knowledge should
include where your company or organization may be at risk for potential violence, the major types of workplace violence incidents occurring within
your organization, and an assessment of the effectiveness of your response to the problem of workplace violence. Violence Prevention International
has developed the tools to help you obtain this needed knowledge. These tools include the Hazard Assessment Audit and the Employee Safety and
Security Survey.
The Hazard Assessment Audit consists of a series of questions designed
to assess and evaluate your company’s or organization’s vulnerability to workplace
violence. The audit assesses important security elements utilizing quantitative
and qualitative criteria. The Audit was developed by Violence Prevention
International using a team of workplace violence prevention experts
with multidisciplinary backgrounds. The Audit involves gathering data from employees,
customers, vendors and others with regard to the numerous activities and processes that
take place within your company or organization. The data is then analyzed and specific action
oriented recommendations are developed to help reduce your exposure to potential violence.
The Employee Safety and Security Survey is designed to determine the effectiveness of
your workplace violence prevention program. This is accomplished by measuring the extent
to which employees are aware of your company’s or organization’s workplace violence prevention
initiative, and obtaining data on the incidence of the different types of workplace
violence being experienced by your employees. |